Vocational Case Management Process Supporting Return to Work

A supported interactive mutually agreed upon [by the Vocational Specialist and Recovering Worker (RW)] Vocational Rehabilitation Plan will result in an outcome of placement. If there is noted non-adherence to the vocational plan, you can anticipate receiving clear and objective documentation regarding the details as to how the RW did not fulfill a reasonable responsibility to obtain a comparable full-time position.

Case Study for Non-Adherence to the Vocational Rehabilitation Process

Meet Mr. W, a high wage earner in his previous job. Mr. W was provided 26 weeks of return to work support through in person and telephonic meetings which included assistance with developing a resume, printing of the resume, initial and ongoing job seeking skills training, job lead development and support, interview coaching for presentation (Job Seeking Skills Training) and answered all questions during this process. In addition, he was aided in the transition back to employment for the first 120 days.

Mr. W was provided employment opportunities to explore that would afford viable or comparable wages, comparable work hours, and benefits. However, Mr. W declined to pursue any of these positions. Mr. W self-limited the types of jobs he would consider (no sales of any kind), no evening hours, and would only work one day on weekends. This impacted the variety of full-time appropriate positions available with wages in excess of $15.00+ an hour.

Mr. W accepted a minimum wage position that only averaged fifteen to twenty hours a week. In addition, this position would not progress into a full-time position in the future. The position was considered artificially low wage. Due to clear and objective documentation by the Vocational Specialist, Mr. W was declined Wage Differential (ten years), TPD/TTD covering 85+ weeks; and was given a 25% of weekly PPD.

Cost of Vocational Services vs. Case Savings

The total Vocational Costs on this file was $21,121.91

TPD/TTD Declined: $65,875.00

Wage Differential (Assuming New Employment Full Time): $605,000

Total Anticipated Savings = $649,753.09