Could Case Managers be Replaced by Robots

Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance in Japan is about to replace claim adjusters with a software robot from IBM. The computer will scan hospital records and other documents to determine insurance payouts, factoring injuries, patient medical histories and procedures administered. Could that be the future of case management? Manufacturing jobs [...]

2020-06-18T13:22:42-05:00May 9th, 2017|

CompAlliance Completes URAC Mid-Cycle Monitoring Review

CompAlliance completed a mid-cycle monitoring review related to our URAC Case Management Accreditation on April 11, 2017.  We received notification on Wednesday April 12, 2017 that our organization was considered compliant with the URAC mandatory standards for Case Management as of the date of the review.  In their notification [...]

2020-06-18T13:23:15-05:00April 13th, 2017|

Penicillin, Pacemakers, Milk Duds & Alternative Transitional Duty

Sometimes, discoveries happen when we least expect them or processes evolve in ways we hadn't anticipated.  One case in point would be the invention of penicillin, and Pacemakers were a byproduct of research on hypothermia. Serendipity happens with all kinds of everyday products, too.  One of my personal favorite is [...]

2020-06-18T13:24:10-05:00April 10th, 2017|

Medication Assisted Treatment vs. 12 Step – Is it only One or the Other?

Are you a proponent for Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder?  Do you believe that a 12 Step Program should not incorporate MAT?  Is  addiction is a voluntary disorder in your opinion? There was a very interesting article posted today on MedScape for Nurses, titled "Opioid Crisis [...]

2020-06-18T13:18:19-05:00April 7th, 2017|

CompAlliance Speaking at the Iowa Occupational Health Symposium April 20, 2017

CompAlliance is honored to be speaking at the Iowa Occupational Health Symposium on April 20, 2017.  Linda Van Dillen will be discussing issues related to opioids and marijuana in the workplace, and best practices to employ when designing a Drug Free Workplace. There are some really interesting sessions detailed [...]

2020-06-18T13:24:42-05:00April 6th, 2017|

Why is Heart Disease Presumed Compensable for Firefighters?

Over the past few years I have read about legislation in many states beginning to cover heart disease, heart attacks and hypertension.  I noted some states were more liberal in their interpretation than others.  For example in Florida, The Presumptive Disability Law for public officers states, Any condition or [...]

2020-06-18T13:25:13-05:00April 5th, 2017|

Missouri PDMP Bill – Are we almost there yet?

According to the National Safety Council, Missouri’s legislature is again mired in debate over implementation of a proposed prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP). As a past Missouri native, this reluctance to implement a PDMP is distressing. PDMPs are databases designed to track prescribing and dispensing of controlled prescription drugs. [...]

2020-06-18T13:19:00-05:00February 14th, 2017|

Why Use Clinical Practice Guidelines?

CompAlliance received a letter from a petitioner's attorney requesting we provide our rationale for utilizing the clinical practice guidelines we currently use as "the National Guideline Clearinghouse has withdrawn approval."  In addition, the "guidelines are neither dictated nor mandated in Illinois." To answer the second part of this attorney's [...]

2020-06-18T13:25:46-05:00February 8th, 2017|
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